Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (G.M.R.T) back-end system is installed in three different
locations correlator room, new receiver room and Active Hydrogen Maser (A.H.M.) room there
are many critical electronics components whose electronics circuits are susceptible to variations
in environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity and supply voltage etc. Hence a
real time 24/7 monitoring of these parameters along with warning alarm is essential the
monitoring system developed also provides recording and plotting of the data on a web based
A.H.M. and the related time and frequency circuits are extremely critical in ensuring proper
operation of G.M.R.T. system. The proper working of these circuits depends on stable
environmental parameters. We have installed comprehensive monitoring scheme for the
A.H.M. which can monitor temperature, relative room humidity, and mains supply voltage
along with monitoring of proper operations of air conditioners installed. For safety and security
we have also included CCTV based monitoring for the room. The temperature is monitored at
different locations of the room.
We have also developed web based application to monitor various internal parameters of
A.H.M. and give warning, plotting program is also developed to see the performance over time.
An integrated health monitoring scheme of the back-end receiver is developed which monitors
the parameters of the back-end electronics and power level of received signals at different
This poster presentation will describe the implementation of this monitoring scheme and plans
for future development