The Infrared Astronomy Group (IR group) of TIFR has been developing near-infrared (NIR) instruments for ground based Indian telescopes, far-infrared instruments for TIFR 100-cm balloon borne telescope and has recently developed space platforms via IRSIS & other projects. This
talk will present an overview of NIR astronomical cameras developed by the IR group which have been commissioned / used at various observatories
in India (e.g. IGO, IUCAA,Pune; MIRO, PRL, Mt Abu; HCT, IIA, Hanle, Ladakh and DOT, ARIES, Devasthal, Uttarakhand). TANSPEC
Optical-NIR spectrograph is recently (April 2019) installed and commissioned at DOT 3.6 meter telescope. TIRSPEC NIR imager and spectrometer was commissioned at 2 meter HCT, Hanle in 2014 and
is currently being used for science observations. TIRCAM2 NIR imager has been used at MIRO, IGO and is currently installed at the side port of DOT 3.6 meter telescope. Talk will also cover a briefoverview of the IRSIS related work.