Mar 18 – 22, 2019
Asia/Kolkata timezone
Celebrating the 90th year of Govind Swarup and the 1st year of the upgraded GMRT

Registration Fees

The Registration Fees for the conference would be

10000.00 (Ten thousand) Indian Rupees (INR)

The fees would cover

  1. Breakfast (if not provided by the hotel), lunch, dinner, tea/coffee/snacks for 18, 19, 20, and 22 March.
  2. The cost of the special evening session and buffet dinner on 21 March.
  3. Welcome dinner on 17 March.
  4. Transport to and from the hotel(s) to the conference venue.
  5. Registration material.

The last date for payment of Registration Fees will be 31 January 2019. Participation cannot be confirmed without payment of the fees.

Accompanying persons can avail of the meals at the conference venue and attend the banquet on 21 March by paying a fee of 8000.00 (Eight thousand) INR.

The deadline for paying the Registration Fees is over. In case you want to still pay the fees, please email the organisers at